Monday, March 7, 2011


What's this site all about? from justin johnson on Vimeo.

So I have two hours to spare and nobody to talk to. I'm waiting for my brakes to be repaired, which includes getting rid of the poor person squeak that attracts oh so much attention while driving. Shit, I thought rocking out to my iPod was an attention grabber, but the squeak sure put my moves to shame.

I feel there is no better way than to spend the next couple hours talking about Film Fights! Film fights is a web site that holds short film competitions. Each month or so they create eccentric topics and few guidelines. I want to do this!

Every so often I check out the winners and somehow ALWAYS smile when I see the proof that my idea is way better than the winners'!  So yeah, I want to do this and I need your help!  I need actors and actresses who are willing to work for me for free! The good side is it's an awesome, ass kicking time, and not to mention, you will be under my direction. You're already winning!

Right now, no contest category really catches my wandering eye, but shortly I will find one. I will keep you updated on what types of people I need in front of the camera.  So check out the site and let me know who's down!

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