Monday, May 2, 2011


Who is this D'Rita D'Avanzo?  I love her.  She is everything I daydream about when producing possible character profiles for mafia movies.  I don't even care if the show is based on fabricated bullshit or not, because all I know is I want her in my movies!

I believe this show recently premiered.  According to my DVR, three episodes aired so far.  To be honest, the show isn't great.  I've definitely seen worse, but I would be lying if I said each episode keeps me intrigued until the end.  D'Rita is the reason I still have a series recording set up:)

There are four lead ladies who are connected either by their father or husbands.  Besides D'Rita, there's Renee and two other women whose names I can't even recall.  Renee is too much...enough said.  She reminds me of Danielle from NJ Housewives, and that completely drains my interest for her.  Some would argue that her type of drama makes the show, but ultimately, it's the show's biggest flaw in my opinion.  I feel like Renee gets the biggest paycheck for her acting, unlike D'Rita.  Honestly, I feel like D'Rita missed the "this is a scripted reality television show" memo, and signed up to actually reveal personal horror.

D'Rita really looks like she should have starred in Goodfellas or The Sopranos.  The first time I saw her, I created this assumption of her lifestyle.  Her long red hair flatters her slightly aged face appropriately.  I find her to be gorgeous, but even I can't ignore the mild wrinkles that probably formed as a result of some cocaine issues in the past.  Even her voice stresses smoking abuse.  Her tough, Italian attitude always flares through her personality and mannerisms.  She looks like she won and lost some fights in the past.  I can also see her pulling a "Karen Hill" and screaming psychotically at the first realization her husband was cheating, and routinely flushing drugs and hiding a gun in her panties before the raids.  

But if the show really holds some truth, I can't help but to wonder how and why these ladies are still alive and haven't been whacked already.  I don't think having your own reality television show that revolves around your mafia infested life is in the Witness Protection Program's contract.

The show drops some hardcore names of people who were indeed noted for their organized crime.  One of the main characters is the daughter of the infamous Salvatore "Sammy The Bull" Gravano, whose ratting ways caught the public's attention.  And for those who weren't aware of his cooperation with the FBI, well they probably found out when Peter Maas decided to publish a book on Gravano's life.  I just don't understand how they are getting away with this.  Is this made up and D'Rita is a notable actress, or is this shit for real?

Well anyway, fuck the show's creditability.  It's worth at least one viewing, and VH1 reruns are played quite often.  If you are familiar with the show, let me know your thoughts on it...

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